Cheerfully Giving

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Cheerful giving is a Blessing in itself. The Blessing is the opportunity to do good works because you have something to offer. That which you have to offer, you’ve been Blessed with by our benevolent loving Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Giving doesn’t have to always be in monetary form. We have time, advice, information, training, support and love that may be far more valuable than any amount of money we have to offer. Whatever you have to give, when given freely, merrily with a jovial spirit is a Blessing. It is sometimes more of a Blessing to you, the giver than to the receiver. Giving when we know we should is also key to the Blessing; there is no time like the present. There may be no next time and in the meantime you’ve missed the Blessing of this gift you had to offer. God is love and that love he has placed on each of our hearts. Do what that loving heart is telling you to do, give. Man says why tithe, donate or gift? You can use that money, time etc. for yourself. Your heart says how can I not contribute when Jesus has Blessed me so? Follow your loving heart and receive the awesome Blessings due to you. Give Cheerfully. Cam Rascoe